Saturday, March 17, 2007

Shaving cream Faux print

For this card we used ink and shaving cream. It is a messy project so make sure your work area is covered well. For this technique you will need a small tray(meat trays from hamburger work well), shaving cream, ink bottles and glossy paper.

Step 1
Spray a generous amount of shaving cream on the tray.

Step 2
Put a couple of drops of ink over the shaving cream. Make sure it is not covering the entire pile of shaving cream.

Step 3
Take a knife and swirl the ink like you would a marble cake. Add more ink if needed.

Step 4
Place glossy side of cardstock down the shaving cream. Do not move cardstock, only press down.

Step 5
Remove the cardstock and wipe of excess shaving cream with a paper towel.

You should have a swirly marble effect =0)

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